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Showing posts from November, 2017

How I Deal with Baby Blues

"It's the best of times; it's the worst of times. That's how an estimated 60 to 80 percent of new moms feel a few days or weeks after childbirth. So called "baby blues" appear (appropriately) out of the blue, bringing on unexpected sadness and irritability, bouts of crying, restlessness, and anxiety. Unexpectedly because -well, for one thing, isn't having a baby supposed to make you happy, not miserable?" Hai, Di post ini saya mau sharing tentang salah satu hal yang saya alami setelah kelahiran Kaibirru. Besides all the prides and joys of becoming a mother, baby blues hit me hard , dan narasi di atas menjelaskan apa yang saya rasakan di dua minggu pertama menjadi ibu.  It wasn’t like I didn’t see it coming . Saat hamil, saya banyak membaca artikel tentang kemungkinan terjadinya baby blues ini pada ibu yang baru melahirkan. Sehingga bisa dibilang saya menyiapkan diri saya kalau-kalau benar kena baby blues . N